Ten reasons why I believe satanist James Hind is a paedophile.
As if I give a flying fuck for the opinion of a Satanic Pest/Paedophile Scum Bag!
As I wrote on earlier on ExposingJamesHind.wordpress.com, Sussex Police have written alot of stuff on paper about me, but none of it makes it true.
Opinions are like arseholes; Everyone has got one!
I really don’t give a flying fuck what the opinions are of the satanic pest and paedophile scumbag James Hind.
Ten Reasons why I think James Hind is a sick satanic paedophile.
1. He wants to know everything about paedophilia.
2. He allowed a paedophile groomer from Kent to carry on grooming because he couldn’t live with the thought of ruining a paedophile’s life on his mind.

3. He supports alleged satanic paedophiles like the ex husband of Samatha Baldwin and the father in the Wilfred Wong case.

4. He shares disturbing imagery of child abuse, babies being eaten and children being kidnapped.

5. He pretends to be a 12 year old boy online.
6. He speaks to and shares very disturbing illegal content of the top level with children as young as 11 years old.

7. He’s obsessed and fixated with children and sees himself as their saviour and Black Knight hero.

8. He emotionally abused three teenage boys following the sudden and tragic death of their father.

9. He sexualised an innocent picture of a new born baby, seeing an erect penis, when everyone else sees an umbilical cord.

10. He doesn’t believe in Good or Evil, and views himself as his own God, with no higher authority above him.

Read more: Is James Hind a Paedophile? Too fucking right James Hind is a paedophile.
Make no mistake, James Hind (not his real name,) is a bona-afide satanic paedophile.
Plus he’s fucking loopy and deranged!
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